An SWCBD Ambassador Administered Narcan and Saved a Life this Week.
Category Blog
The SOMA West Community Benefit District works to improve the lives of all people in our neighborhood. However, this week we were able to do more than merely improve lives.
This week we saved a life.
On Tuesday, April 13th at around 10 AM, SOMA West Ambassador Jason D. was in the process of beautifying our community and noticed someone had collapsed to the ground. Two people were trying to assist that person back to their feet, but to no avail.
Jason noticed that this person’s arms and legs were limp and that the person was not responsive.
As Jason got closer, he noticed that the individual was barely breathing. He quickly called 911, and then radioed his supervisor.
Once alerted, the SOMA West Outreach Team noticed that the paraphernalia on the ground was indicative of intravenous opiate use and administered a dose of NARCAN® Nasal Spray, as per their training.
When paramedics arrived, the individual was breathing but was still in need of medical attention. One of the paramedics then commented “had he not received the NARCAN he wouldn’t be alive right now!” This person is still alive today due to SOMA West Ambassador Jason D. going beyond the call of duty by getting involved and helping a stranger.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction to opiates and would like to learn about recovery visit The Addiction Center for a listing of resources in the bay area.
If you would like to learn about how to tell if someone is experiencing and opiate overdose, and how to administer Narcan visit DOPE Project | National Harm Reduction Coalition .
Always Call 911 right away if you suspect an overdose.